Saturday 30 April 2011

The Studio Pottery Gallery

This was my major final project of second year. 
To redesign a pottery studio in the local shopping centre. It had to be a space for people of all ages, be comfortable and include a tearoom area. 

I also had to design a bespoke item which was the large shelving unit with the vases along the glass wall. 
I really enjoyed the project, learning how to use sketch up has opened my eyes to the digital way of design and I plan to add a lot more free lance work to my blog/portfolio over summer. 

First there are some photos of the space before I redesigned it then my concept board followed by a floor plan with perspectives and sections. 

And the new design..

Sustainable Youth hostel

2nd Year Project.

To redesign a communal area of a youth hostel at a sustainability centre.
As well as making it visually pleasing I also had to think about how the space would be used and how it would teach people about sustainability.

My theme was recycled furniture, all the materials in the project are sustainable or recycled. The furniture all comes from responsible companies trying to make a difference or are created from old objects. I love recycled furniture, its interesting and creative and sends a positive message about waste.

Here are my 6 design boards. 

 If anyone sees this and knows some good recycled furniture blogs please let me know as i'm doing the subject for my dissertation. 
Thanks :]